Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thanks Snowman Makers!

More beautiful snowmen. From Fort Tryon Park in Manhattan by Roy Kushner. He has a link to obtain framed copies of his photos. Here's his story on his great snow sculpture;

"As I was building the snowman, many passersby stopped to take photos of me and each other next to it. The snowman seemed to attract smiles and provoke words of encouragement as I worked methodically in the cold snow under the low gray sky.

"People wanted to be near the snowman, to touch it, and to ask questions about it. It was as if the snowman took on a kind of small social significance during its construction - its “afterlife’ in the days that followed I was not privy to. However, when visiting the snowman with my family later that Saturday, I noticed that someone had made a small valentine-shaped heart and put it on the snowman’s lap."

Here an older photo of a polar bear from Blimpy Burger from my friend Patty of Open Salon.

From Chris this amazing two-faced snowman that took him 16 hours over a period of 4 days.

Snowman with it's creator Chris.

Thanks everyone!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

March of the Snowmen

Photo and sculpture by Randy Gallegos 2010 ©

First off is this ominous sculpture created by a true artist, illustrator Randy Gallegos. This was made on the ledge over the West Side Highway around the corner from me. That's the marvelous Cloisters in the background.

Photo and sculpture by Augie Alexander 2010 ©

Another great artist is Augie Alexander. He's on the left.

Photos by the Conneran family 2010 ©

From New Jersey comes this tribute to the Venus de Milo. "But now she’s clothed in a cheap bikini top and wrap," according to Open Saloner Cindy Capitani. "Someone called the cops to complain about the snow porn on a neighborhood lawn. So the cops, not knowing what to cite the family under, just asked them to dress her (and a corncob pipe and a button nose would not do)." For more details please read Cindy's full story.

New Jersey is bursting with snowman fever. From Newark, New Jersey is this anti-drug, crackhead snowman. More here thanks to the Star-Ledger.

Photo and snowman by the Charlotte K. 2010 ©

And now for something completely different, is this wholesome snow woman from my great friend, Charlotte of Lake Ariel, Pennsylvania. Nothing controversial here...until neighbors blew-up this innocent snow woman.

Finally, from my friends Rachel, David and Mr. Met. Thanks, guys.

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