In Carlton County, a very very large Frosty the Snowman is standing 22 feet, 6 inches high.
Roger Tillman poses for a photo with Frosty, the giant snowman he constructed at his home near Kettle River in Carlton County.
(Photo courtesy of Roger Tillman)
Tillman built Frosty in his field and drivers will see signs beginning on Highway 73 directing them to the mammoth snowman.
“Just drive in and take a picture. Everybody’s welcome,” he said.
Frosty is built using snow from Tillman’s 3-acre field. Each layer is created with a wooden snow fence forming a circle, and when he has it filled and packed
down, he moves to the next layer. Although he builds it mostly
by himself, he does get some help from friends and family.
“It’s all done with a front-end loader that I built 45 years ago, a shovel and a lot of handwork,” he said. He created his first over-sized snowman 26 years ago. “I had time on my hands in winter and lots of snow in those days."
You can see more of this story at The Grand Forks Herald, on line.