Monday, February 11, 2008

University of Colorado Enter Race

#2 Univ. of Colorado Snowman
While prizes went out this week to the winner and runner-up of last month's contest it's time to see a new contender for February's round.

Chris Moskoff (second from the right) has rounded up his friends from the University of Colorado during a reunion in Aspen and came up with this noteworthy snowman. From left to right; Nate, Darcy, Shanna, Ryan, Nicole, Matt, Mike, Kevin, Lea Ann, Chris B., Beth, Chris Moskoff, Murugan. For the record, the beverage the snowman is holding up in his right hand (branch) is non-alcoholic.

So GO COLORADO! And this is a call out to other institutes of higher learning to accept the challenge and start rolling some snowballs.

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